Portland Showroom – Phase 1

Lithia & Driveway
We helped Lithia & Driveway revamp their Portland showroom into the mid-century modern space of their dreams!

Lithia & Driveway’s new Portland showroom is anything but basic. In fact, it’s so homey that it feels like you’re shopping from the comfort of your own living room!

When we first met with the client, Driveway asked us to create a sleek and airy mid-century modern space for shoppers to fall in love with their next car. As the general contractors demolished walls, put up new frames and drywalled, our design team measured the space and incorporated the desired aesthetic into several creative concepts for Driveway to consider. Once a design direction was selected, our engineering team took the lead on building drawings for the 3D components and identifying all electrical needs. This first phase involved two wall-mounted TVs and a stand-alone kiosk topped with a lit logo, but the upcoming second phase involves additional screens that will also need power. So, our engineers worked with the contractor to ensure outlets were in the correct placements for the various components of all production phases.

Project Highlight

The 82-foot slat wall required precision and collaboration. With three installers working together to deliver, glue, space and nail the wood strips, we were able to install the entire wall in just three days!

The timeline was tight. Installation occurred over a five-day window spanning wall murals, glass privacy film, floor vinyl, framed wall graphics, canvas-wrapped photography, and all 3D elements – wood slat wall, a dimensional logo, LED lighting, a kiosk, and TV displays. Ongoing direct communication with the client was key to ensuring our team could install the various components in conjunction with the other construction and décor companies working to bring the space to life. We can’t wait to work on phase two of the showroom!

Summary of Infinity Images Services

  • Project Management – Our project managers tracked each piece of the project, ensuring that everything moved along through design, engineering, and production in time to be installed before the reopening.
  • Design – Driveway gave us the feeling they wanted the space to elicit and our design team ideated the creative graphics and 3D elements to make that happen.
  • Engineering – Our engineering team supplemented the design plan with the infrastructure to supply electricity, production-ready construction renderings, and material-specific 3D display instructions.
  • Prepress – The preproduction department prepped the floor vinyl graphic, wall murals, glass decals, and canvas-wrapped photography for printing.
  • Printing – Digital printing decorated the showroom's floors, walls and glass dividers, surrounding the shoppers in Driveway’s homey branding.
  • Cutting – Laser cutting produced the LED-lit logo atop the kiosk, as well as the 3D backlit logo in the center of the slat wall.
  • Finishing – Our fabrication department carefully wrapped the kiosk in vinyl to ensure color-matching with Driveway’s branding.
  • Installation – We meticulously installed the slat wall, graphics, glass privacy screen, and 3D displays in time for the showroom’s reopening to the public.

If you’re looking for help designing your retail space to achieve a specific feeling, look no further! Our team can originate and produce 2D and 3D décor for any aesthetic. Contact us to learn more!

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